Sunday, April 15, 2012

Simple or stylish???

I am very simple kid, I like jump jump(red-non branded tshirt) and plain black tee but my mom makes me up with branded and imported clothes on me . I like to wear simple bata shoes but my mom wants me to have mothercare shoes. I don’t like to wear socks but my mom does that. I like hair oiling but mom does it rarely. I like local toys sometimes but mom says its non toxic and not children-safe. Oooh god, save me from Mom…
Mom: who told you are simple kind of kid? Don’t you love mc-donald fries , don’t you like pepsi and othercold drinks, don’t you request for pizza? Don’t you eat pastas? dont you feel happy when you find branded toys or imported food?
Don’t blame me my baby, you are not so simple…

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