Saturday, September 8, 2012

Kabhi Haa Kabhi Naa

Dance class: 

As you all know from previous posts he is a dance lover ,So I though to send him in dance class where he can enjoy.  He was all excited to go as his 3-4 friends (shreya, tisya, ridhima, kashvi)were also joining, And guess what happened??
he started crying in class.:-(
within 15 minutes he came back. I thought it was first day, and he was scared with new people and loud music, he will be fine on second day. But same again, started crying from door, and went back to home, I had to stop thinking about dance class. The boy whose legs starts tapping when he listens music, is not ready to go dance class.

Jeans & shoes:
He is very particular to wear his clothes and shoes. All depending upon where he goes. Sometimes I wonder I did not have a knowledge of these stuff at my 15. It means these kids are 5 times faster than us!!!!
When someone says I like your dimples, he feels insecure (he has a fear he/ she will steal them: D)
He gets irritated when I ask “ me tere cute cute dimples kha jau”
When he makes some mistakes, these words come out: “Ab me kya karu??

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